Bravely move towards a more just and equitable future.


Daily, we are faced with the personal impacts of dealing with the stress and trauma from living within systems that are designed to prevent us from thriving.

Resilience Planning was created to challenge the status quo. For us this means illuminating and dismantling barriers to civic participation so that we can embed the needs of all community members, particularly those who have been historically, persistently, and systemically marginalized, into work related to the climate emergency, housing crisis, and reconciliation.

At Resilience Planning, we recognize that to successfully address these challenges, we need to innovate how we deliver policies, programs and services. We also understand this means we centre justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Using relationship building, research, and facilitation we work closely with our clients and communities, to create space for diverse voices and opinions to be represented, heard, and understood, so that plans and policies are responsive to community needs. We also help municipal and project leadership step into their roles to ensure plans have a lasting impact.

By leaning into courageous conversations, we work toward meaningful and lasting change together.

By illuminating and dismantling barriers to civic participation, and creating brave spaces for ideas to be shared, we help ensure more people, and people who are underrepresented in civic engagement, can bring their lived experience and knowledge as respected contributions to affect policy changes that benefit communities. Giving decision-making power to those impacted by policy decisions recognizes and trusts that communities know what they need. It also secures buy-in, celebrates shared success, and builds momentum for responsive implementation.

We believe that centring justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, and valuing lived experience, helps articulate solutions to our wicked problems. Leadership teams who recognize this can provide opportunities to unlock innovation across an organization, municipality, region, or country and create opportunities for plans and policies that respond to what people and our environment need.

Let us help you get there!

Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world.
In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.
— Margaret Mead